Questa – Summer Community Round-Up
The (ever so slightly) improving weather has empowered Questa staff to come together and take to the fairways in a collective effort to support local community charities.
We were proud to sponsor Charity Golf Day held at Fairhaven Golf Club for the fourth year in aid of Brian House Children’s Hospice. Questa entered two teams, and the event raised over £22,000 for this worthy cause, making a real difference in the lives of those in need. Congratulations to all involved.
Questa also entered a team in the Evolve Document Solutions Charity Golf Day. Lancashire businesses raised £5,571 for The Rainbow Hub at the fifth annual Charity Golf Day held at Ashton and Lea Golf Club on Friday, May 24th.
The event, organised by Evolve Document Solutions and Stone Create, featured over 70 golfers who enjoyed breakfast, lunch, and a prize draw for golf fashion wear. An auction was held for prizes including former WBC cruiserweight champion Tony Bellew’s signed boxing glove and other sporting memorabilia.
Questa has also helped raise £11,000 with other businesses for the MND Association at Lytham Cricket & Sports Club.