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How to Survive Black Friday with Money in Your Pocket

Black Friday: a day synonymous with unparalleled sales and, often, unprecedented spending. But must our bank balances suffer as a result? Absolutely not! Key Facts: Your Black Friday Primer Black…

How to Make Your Christmas Budget Go Further

Christmas is knocking on the door, and let’s be honest—your wallet is probably feeling the heat. Gifts, feasts, decorations—how can you juggle it all without diving into debt or compromising…

Empty Nest? Here’s How to Cope

So, the day finally arrived. And now, the room is emptier, the house quieter, and a significant chapter of your life seems to have closed. Your child has…

Do University and Higher Education Costs Make Financial Sense?

Are you pondering the financial wisdom of sending your child or grandchild to university? It’s a substantial consideration as the landscape of higher education costs and potential benefits…

High-Rate Taxpayers: Your Wealth Management Options with Rising Taxes

High-rate taxpayers will have noticed the increasing burden on their finances due to the changing tax landscape. As we entered the new fiscal year, the UK embarked on…

The new Lifetime ISA is here: the pros and cons

The Lifetime Individual Savings Account, also known as the Lifetime ISA or simply “LISA”, is the brainchild of former Chancellor George Osborne and has finally arrived at the beginning of…